Scotty Lets One Go
Scotty lets one go while beaming Admiral Kirk up.
Modern Items
Scotty lets one go while beaming Admiral Kirk up.
Denethor II, son of Ecthelion II, lets a couple go while talking to Harry Brandybuck.
It’s pretty simple, guys. Neil DeGrasse Tyson farts on the new Cosmos show.
Jicky and Crammels were graciously invited to witness the shittle take off in Texas, last month.
Jicky and Crammels take a few minutes out to practice their hunting techniques.
WQRKP’s Mack Davis does his radio program, and talks about all the cats he’s played with over the years.
“You’re goin’ surfin’ on the internette.”
Rich Dalton from the Brother’s Price School Network reads from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.
Don and Jan talk briefly about Senator Gordon Perry, the awful man.
The original recording of “Ham” by Jicky & Crammels