New Songs, Videos and Writing on the Way

This season of Jicky and Crammels will feature special guest such as Tim Brokaw, Deke Chapman, Albert Jones, Russell Wilson, Lenny Welkens Jr. and Robin Hood.
We’re busy getting things going for a new round of recordings and videos. There will also be talk of a new album. You see, this hasn’t all been for nothing. Rest assured we are working on some fresh material for your artistic enjoyment.
Some people like to say that we’re not funny or that this “isn’t art” but we’ll beg to differ. Back in 2003 we decided that we really shouldn’t worry about what folks think, and just continue broadcasting. See our awards page for details. You should enjoy our fine material and not worry about what anyone else has to say about it because I’ll tell you what (right now), it’s like Pastor Terry Savilla says, “One thing is not as big as a car.” and that’s exactly the way we’re looking at things.
So hang on tight and listen to a few pieces from our legacy player and we’ll have some new images, videos, songs, writings.